Monday, February 17, 2014

Meeting minutes (February)

Ranger Escape

Registration starts at 5:30PM
Topics are:
Outdoor living History
Red Cross Standard First Aid
Land Ethics
and Land Navigation
More info at

Day Camp

Saukenuk district is looking for volunteers for Cub Scout Day Camp. If you're interested please contact me.

Venturing Ranks

The new venturing ranks have been released Please see this link for more details.

Monday, February 10, 2014

February VOA Meeting

This is a reminder that February’s Venturing forum is this Thursday, Feb 13th at 7:00 pm at Singing Bird Lodge.

The discussion will address changes in the Venturing program coming this year and an explanation of the new “advancement” program.
I encourage you all to attend, hopefully I can help to make the program a little more understandable.